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how to sell digital downloads on etsy using canva

If you’re looking for how to sell digital downloads on etsy using canva, selling digital downloads on Etsy can be a great option. With over 81 million active buyers, Etsy is a popular platform for buying and selling handmade, vintage, and unique items. And with the help of Canva, an online design tool, creating and selling digital downloads on Etsy has become easier than ever.

Canva offers a wide range of templates and design elements that can be customized to create various digital products, including printables, invitations, business cards, and more. Whether you’re a graphic designer or just starting out, Canva for Etsy can help you create professional-looking designs that will attract customers and boost your sales.

Key Takeaways

  • Etsy is a popular platform for buying and selling handmade, vintage, and unique items.
  • Canva is an online design tool that offers templates and design elements to create digital products.
  • Canva for Etsy can help you create professional-looking designs that will attract customers and boost your sales.
  • Selling digital downloads on Etsy using Canva is a great way to make some extra money online.

Getting Started with Etsy

If you’re looking to sell digital products on Etsy, the first step is to set up an Etsy shop. Creating an Etsy shop is easy and straightforward. You’ll need to provide basic information about your business, such as your shop name, logo, and product offerings. You will also need to provide a store description and choose your preferred payment and shipping methods.

Once you’ve set up your shop, it’s time to start optimizing it for digital product sales. There are several Etsy selling tips to keep in mind to improve your chances of success.

Optimizing Your Etsy Shop

The key to success on Etsy is visibility. You’ll want to optimize your shop and product listings to make it easier for potential customers to find your products. Here are some tips:

  • Use relevant keywords in your shop name, product titles, and descriptions. These keywords can help your products appear in search results when potential customers search for specific items.
  • Choose high-quality product images. Clear, attractive images can help distinguish your products from similar items and can make them more appealing to potential buyers. Make sure to use high-resolution images and to feature your products from multiple angles.
  • Choose relevant categories and tags. Etsy allows you to categorize your products and attach relevant tags to each listing so that they appear in the right search results. Choose categories and tags that accurately reflect your products and niche.

Promoting Your Etsy Shop

In addition to optimizing your shop for search results, you’ll want to promote your Etsy shop to attract customers. There are several ways to do this:

  • Promote your products on social media. Share your Etsy products on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms to increase your reach and attract more customers.
  • Participate in Etsy teams and forums. Joining Etsy teams and participating in forums can help you connect with other Etsy sellers and buyers, which can help you promote your shop and build your brand.
  • Participate in Etsy-specific advertising opportunities. Etsy offers various advertising opportunities, such as Promoted Listings and Google Shopping Ads that can help you reach more customers.

By following these Etsy selling tips and optimizing your shop for search results and customer engagement, you’ll be well on your way to success as an Etsy seller of digital products.

Understanding Digital Downloads

If you’re curious about selling printables on Etsy or any other digital products, it’s important to understand what digital downloads are and why they’re popular on Etsy. Digital downloads refer to any type of digital product that can be downloaded, such as printable art, templates, planners, and more. These items are often created by independent sellers and can be a great way to earn passive income.

The appeal of digital downloads on Etsy lies in the fact that they can be accessed instantly after purchase, eliminating the need for shipping or physical storage. This makes them an attractive option for buyers looking for convenience and a faster turnaround time. For sellers, digital downloads offer the opportunity to tap into a growing market and reach customers beyond their local area, without the overhead costs associated with physical products.

When it comes to selling digital products on Etsy, the market is vast. Printables, in particular, have become increasingly popular over the years, with buyers on the lookout for unique and affordable designs that they can use in their daily lives. Some of the most popular printable items on Etsy include wall art, planners, and journals, but the possibilities are endless.

Creating Digital Downloads with Canva

Canva is a user-friendly graphic design tool that can be used to create attractive digital downloads for Etsy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Canva for Etsy:

Step 1: Choose a Template

Start by selecting a template that aligns with the type of digital download you want to create. Canva has a vast collection of templates for different categories such as invitations, business cards, and social media graphics. When creating templates for Etsy, ensure that it aligns with the needs of your target audience.

Step 2: Customize Your Template

Edit your template to suit your brand and style. Add your own text, images and logo to make it unique and visually appealing. With Canva, you can also change the font, color, and layout of different elements in the template. Remember to keep the design simple and visually appealing.

Step 3: Optimize for Etsy

Before saving your final design, ensure that it is optimized for Etsy’s digital download guidelines. It should be in a high-quality format such as PDF or JPEG, and it should be in a standard file size. Ensure that the download is well labelled and accurately described in your Etsy listing.

Step 4: Save and Upload to Etsy

Once you’ve finished the design, save it and upload it to your Etsy shop. You can incorporate the designs into your digital download listings and make them available to your customers. Ensure that your designs are high-quality, and the previews accurately represent what the customer will receive.

Canva is a great tool to create attractive and professional-looking digital downloads that can be sold on Etsy. With Canva templates for Etsy, anyone can create designs that capture the attention of potential customers.

Pricing and Packaging Digital Downloads

When it comes to selling digital items on Etsy, pricing and packaging are important factors that can impact your sales. Pricing your products too high could put off potential customers, while pricing them too low could undervalue your work. Here are some tips to help you price and package your digital downloads:

Pricing Your Digital Downloads

One common pricing strategy for selling printables on Etsy is to charge per page or per set. For example, if you are selling a set of 10 digital stickers, you could price them at $5 or $0.50 per sticker. Alternatively, you could offer bundles of digital products at a discounted price. For example, instead of pricing each printable at $2, you could offer a bundle of 5 printables for $8, giving customers a discount for buying in bulk.

Another pricing consideration is the time and effort it takes to create your digital downloads. If you are spending hours designing a set of digital designs, you may want to charge more than you would for a simple one-page printable. Consider the value of your time and expertise when setting your prices.

Packaging Your Digital Downloads

When selling digital items on Etsy, it’s important to consider the packaging and presentation of your products. This includes creating attractive product listings with clear images and detailed descriptions. You can also add custom branding to your digital downloads, such as a logo or watermark, to make them stand out.

Another way to package your digital downloads is to offer them in different file formats to cater to different customers. For example, if you are selling digital artwork, you could offer both PDF and JPEG formats to accommodate customers who prefer different file types.

Finally, be sure to provide clear instructions on how to download and use your digital products. This will help avoid any confusion or frustration on the part of your customers.

Listing and Selling Digital Downloads on Etsy

Now that you have created your digital products using Canva, it’s time to list them on your Etsy shop and start selling. Follow these steps to successfully list and sell your digital downloads on Etsy:

Create a Product Listing

When creating your product listing, start by selecting the “Digital” option under the “Type” category. Upload your digital file and add a clear and concise product description that accurately describes your product and its intended use. Use relevant keywords and tags to help potential customers find your product. It is important to also set a fair and competitive price for your product.

Manage Your Inventory

Unlike physical products, digital downloads can be sold an unlimited number of times. However, it is important to ensure that the files are always available to download for customers who have purchased them. Keep track of your inventory and update your listing if necessary to prevent overselling.

Deliver Your Product

When a customer purchases your digital product, they will receive an email with a download link to access their files. As the seller, it is important to ensure that the download link works and that the customer has access to the files they purchased. You can also consider adding a personalized thank you message with instructions on how to use the files or how to contact you if they have any questions or concerns.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Customer reviews play a crucial role in building credibility on Etsy. Encourage your buyers to leave a review once they have received and used your product. Positive reviews can attract new customers and help your shop gain visibility on the platform.

By following these tips and best practices, you can successfully list and sell your digital downloads on Etsy. Remember to stay engaged with your customers and continue to promote your shop to reach new buyers.

Promoting and Growing Your Etsy Shop

Once you’ve set up your Etsy shop and listed your digital downloads, it’s time to start promoting your products and growing your customer base. Here are some tips for effective Etsy shop promotion and search optimization:

1. Utilize Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your Etsy shop and reaching a wider audience. Share your listings on your social media accounts and engage with your followers to build a community around your brand. Consider running social media ads to reach a larger audience and drive traffic to your Etsy shop.

2. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers in your niche can help increase your shop’s visibility and credibility. Look for Instagram influencers or bloggers who align with your brand and offer to collaborate on sponsored content or giveaways.

3. Optimize Your Shop for Search

Etsy’s search algorithm determines which listings appear at the top of search results, so optimizing your shop for search is essential for getting noticed. Use relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions, and categorize your listings appropriately. Consider offering free shipping or running sales to boost your listings’ visibility.

4. Participate in Etsy Ads

Etsy Ads is an advertising program that allows you to promote your listings across Etsy and the web. Set a budget and bid on keywords relevant to your products to reach more potential customers.

5. Engage with Customers

Engaging with customers can help build a loyal following and encourage repeat purchases. Respond promptly and professionally to messages and reviews, and consider offering discounts or other incentives for customers who leave feedback or refer friends.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively promote your Etsy shop and grow your customer base. Remember to track your results and adjust your approach as needed to continue driving sales and growing your business.

Fulfillment and Customer Support

When it comes to selling digital items on Etsy, fulfillment and customer support can look a little different than selling physical products. Here are some key considerations:


Once a customer purchases a digital download from your Etsy shop, they will typically receive a download link to access the product. It’s important to make sure that the link is working and that customers are able to successfully download the product. You might also consider including instructions or troubleshooting tips in case customers run into any issues.

As for delivery times, since the product is delivered digitally, there are no shipping times to worry about. However, it’s still important to make sure that customers receive the link in a timely manner. Etsy recommends fulfilling digital orders within 24 hours, although many sellers aim to send the link even sooner.

Customer Support

Providing excellent customer support is crucial for any Etsy seller, and this is no different for those selling digital items. Here are some key tips:

  • Be quick to respond to any customer inquiries or issues. Since customers won’t be able to physically touch or see the product before purchasing, they might have questions or concerns. Make sure to address these in a timely and helpful manner.
  • Consider creating an FAQ section in your shop policies that addresses common questions or concerns related to your digital products.
  • Be prepared to offer refunds or exchanges if a customer is not satisfied with their purchase. Etsy’s refund policy for digital downloads requires sellers to refund or exchange items if they are faulty, not as described, or not delivered as expected.
  • Ensure that you are providing accurate and complete information about the product, including the file type and size, number of pages (if applicable), and any other pertinent details.

By focusing on fulfillment and customer support, you can ensure that your customers have a positive experience and are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend your shop to others.


Now that you’ve learned how to sell digital downloads on Etsy using Canva, it’s time to put this knowledge into action. Selling digital products on Etsy can be a lucrative business, and using Canva to create attractive designs can give you a competitive edge.

Remember, starting an Etsy shop takes effort and dedication. It’s important to optimize your shop for search, create attractive product listings, and engage with customers to build a loyal following. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different marketing strategies and pricing models to find what works best for your business.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can create a successful Etsy shop and start selling digital downloads on the platform. So what are you waiting for? Start designing your digital products on Canva and watch your business grow!


Q: How do I set up an Etsy shop?

A: To set up an Etsy shop, go to and click on “Sell on Etsy” at the top right corner of the page. Follow the prompts to create your shop, including choosing a name, adding product listings, and setting up payment and shipping options.

Q: What types of digital products can I sell on Etsy?

A: You can sell a variety of digital products on Etsy, including printables, templates, artwork, photography, patterns, and more. The possibilities are endless!

Q: Can I use Canva to create digital downloads for Etsy?

A: Yes, you can use Canva to create attractive digital downloads for Etsy. Canva offers a range of design tools and templates that can help you create professional-looking products.

Q: How should I price my digital downloads?

A: Pricing digital downloads can be subjective, but it’s important to consider factors such as the time and effort put into creating the product, the perceived value of the item, and the current market prices. Researching similar products on Etsy can also give you an idea of appropriate pricing.

Q: How do I promote my Etsy shop and grow my customer base?

A: There are many ways to promote your Etsy shop, including using social media platforms, collaborating with influencers in your niche, participating in Etsy-specific advertising opportunities, and engaging with your customers. Building a loyal customer base takes time and effort, but consistency and quality products can help you succeed.

Q: How do I fulfill digital orders on Etsy?

A: Fulfilling digital orders on Etsy is a straightforward process. Once a customer purchases a digital download, they will be able to access the files directly from their Etsy account. You can also include a download link in the order confirmation message to make it easier for customers to access their files.

Q: How can I provide customer support for my Etsy shop?

A: Providing customer support for your Etsy shop involves promptly responding to customer inquiries and addressing any issues or concerns they may have. You can use Etsy’s messaging system to communicate with customers and provide assistance throughout their purchasing journey.