Choosing a proper blog name that conveys who you’re, what it stands for, and yet is simple enough for anyone to recall can be a gruelling exercise in itself.
If you haven’t thought of a blog name by now, the simplest way is to try some words that quickly come to your mind and see if they are already taken.
With over 600 million blogs amongst 1.76 billion websites. We can say that blogs are everywhere on the internet and in fact, more than 70 million new posts get published per month on WordPress alone, which accounts for only about 60 million active blogs on the internet.
Therefore, it is safe to assume that the first few names you come up for your blog will be already taken. Hence it takes real effort to stand out in this universe of blogs, especially if you hope to become an influencing blogger in the long run.
The first step to being recognized in the crowd is to have an identity (blog name) that resonates with your target audience and reflects on your true self. Hence you cannot just name your blog anything!
Naming your blog name is the pallbearer for your online presence, digital brand, and strategic anchor to retain your readers.
Therefore here I want you to be more focused in terms of choosing how to name a blog and want to present some of the best ways to generate blog name ideas for your blog.
Leverage the Most Common Practices To Come Up with Blog Name Ideas
Remember that, your blog name represents you, your core values, your competencies, and your brand. If the blog name you choose reflects all of these, yet it is simple, then it is more likely that readers would remember the blog name more easily.
However, coming up with blog name ideas and choosing a blog name might not be the essential aspect of starting a successful blog but it is the very initial step that you have to take.
Anyways before directly diving into the most common practices to come up with blog name ideas. I would like to make some points clear like:-
- Most blog names have at most three syllables, preferably three or less.
- They are easily pronounceable.
- They instantly convey the idea and the theme of the blog to the reader.
- Good blog names evoke an emotion (or) a reaction in the reader without fail.
- Additional: Your blog name must pass the “phone test” – which is if you told your blog name to someone over a phone call, they must be able to write it down, without you spelling it.
These were some points I think you should keep in mind while finalizing your blog name. Below I have listed the four most common practices that anyone can use to come up with dozens of blog name ideas.
Use your name as the blog name
Name your blog after you, it is simple and sorted idea. For example, AdamEnfroy.com, GaryVaynerchuk.com, or ArvindDevalia.com are some blogs that you can look at. Usually, personal bloggers have their own names as their domain names, which should tell you that they are building a brand of their own through blogging.
Hence if you’re trying to do the same then stick with your own name for your blog. However, you should try different permutations and combinations of your first, middle, and last names. Thus this way you can have dozens of blog name ideas circling around you alone.
Using your name + keyword as blog name
Using a combo like YourName+keyword is another timeless yet straightforward way to name your blog. This way, not only your digital brand is curated, but your readers also get an idea of what your blog is all about without having to land on it first.
The key here is to identify the one keyword that can tell people what your blog has to offer. Some popular blog name ideas of this type are HuffingtonPost.com, named after Arriana Huffington, HarpersBazaar.com by Harper & Brothers, and GatesNotes.com by Bill Gates.
Using topic + keyword as blog name
Blog names that are a combination of any relevant topic and the keyword are also a rage – they help the readers far more than anything in finding your blog based on subject and keyword search.
Some famous examples are ProBlogger.com on blogging and RomanFitnessSystems.com for health and fitness.
Such blog name ideas might give you the tiniest push in ranking due to relevant keywords within the domain name but I won’t recommend you to precisely go after such tactics as at the end of the day your keyword rankings are gonna only increase if you have good content and built good authority on the blog.
Using topic/keyword in combination with any other word to come up with a blog name
Assuming you have multiple topics in your mind for the blog and wanna include a specific keyword in your blog name. Then I would suggest you to choose a blog name such that it is a combination of topics/keywords (+) and a random word. Here the random word could be anything.
Some trendy blog names like BloggingWizard.com and AppSumo.com are great blog name examples for this. Sometimes, the random word can make your blog name sound like a unique name altogether.
Research and Get Inspired To Come Up With Unique Blog Name Ideas
If adding keywords and using your name for your blog doesn’t make you finalize anything. Then it’s best to surf around the internet and get inspired by other existing blogs. This is another effective way to come up with dozens of blog name ideas.
I am a firm believer that in this day and age of digital diplomacy, there is nothing unique about an idea in itself. Every idea, every innovation, and every creation is extracted/inspired from an existing implementation. Hence why not take the same approach while you’re trying to choose a blog name.
It’s only fair to say that, today no matter what topic (or) niche you choose to blog about, you will end up finding hundreds, if not thousands of blogs writing about the same stuff as you. Hence it is always a good move to surf around the internet, look for exsiting blog names, come up with plausible blog name ideas, and get inspired by them.
If you want to follow this approach on how to name a blog, I would like you to follow the simple two steps below:-
Firstly, stalk some famous bloggers
No matter which topic (or) industry you want to get into via blogging. There will indeed be multiple authoritative bloggers within your space, and there’s your opportunity to look up to their blogs and figure out some things.
Here you don’t have to literally stalk bloggers on every platform. All I need to do is go through their blogs and research enough to understand what they are writing and how they are writing.
By looking at their content will make you realize which type of content you want on your own blog and skimming through dozens of niche-relevant blog posts will help you get the gist of the content.
But you might ask, what does all this have to do in terms of coming up with good blog name ideas?
Yes, that’s a good question. Here you should know that your content defines who you’re.
For example, you cannot name your blog iamafoodie.com while all of your articles are about cooking recipes. Hence having an idea about what content you’re going to write and publish will help you figure out a relevant blog name.
Take inspiration from popular terminology to come up with blog name ideas
Once your research is done regarding what type of content you want to publish on your blog. It’s time to take the famous names of those blogs and take inspiration from them.
Honestly, as you can see I kept my own name as the blog name because I looked at websites like NeilPatel.com and AdamEnfroy.com. Having my own name as the blog name sounded right to me, and since there were already such websites in the market, I felt confident moving forward with my name.
You can also choose to do the same with your blog name, but first, you have to check whether such a blog name has done well in the past in your niche. However, if you’re looking for something different than the usual first name and last name for a domain name, then you could actually play around with 2-3 words and add those into your blog name.
To find those 2-3 words which might make your blog name sound unique but at the same time be relevant with your readers. You have to be updated with your industry-related blogging terms.
I am sure if you read dozens of articles of the famous bloggers in your niche, you will come across words (or) phrases (or) more specifically any terminology that goes familiar to readers in your space.
Here the goal is to combine 2-3 words and make it a blog name, where one word can be the most commonly used word in your niche (or) your own name, whereas the other word can come from relevant terminology of your industry which clicks people’s mind.
Thus by stalking big bloggers and reading their stuff online. It will do two things for you:-
- It will define what you wanna write and how you gonna write
- You will come across words that are familiar in your blogging space and these words could be a good addition to your blog name ideas and can definitely help with your concern about ‘How to name a blog?’
Use Blog Name Generators Tools To Come Up With Blog Name Ideas
If all the blog name ideas that are in your mind are already booked, then you can use blog name generator tools to come up with good suggestions. A blog name generator can help you by suggesting unique, simple, and good blog names.
They offer blog name ideas based on the keywords you enter. Also blog name generators help you check if the corresponding domain names are already taken, and if not, you register your blog name there itself.
Note: If you’re looking for a free domain name for one year. Purchase Bluehost hosting’s shared plan for less than $4 per month.
The following are the best blog name generators according to various customer reviews online:-
a) DomainWheel
DomainWheel as a blog name generator is a simple, intuitive, and minimalistic tool. The search box already has a few keywords typed in it as a hint for you. Upon typing in your keywords, the tool generates an extensive collection of blog names with many combinations and lists them in order of relevance.As I entered the keyword “fitness food” in the search box, the following results (top 5) were displayed:
b) Nameboy
Nameboy can suggest dozens of blog name ideas for your blog based on primary and secondary keywords. You can also input if you need a rhyming word for your blog name. Some of the example blog names with the keyword “fitness foods” are given below:-
As you can see, the blog name ideas generated by Nameboy have a great appeal.
c) Wordoid
This blog name generator tool is apt to create business and brand names. However, this intelligent tool limits the blog name to at most fifteen characters. Also, there are multiple quality levels from which you can choose an appropriate blog name. Wordoid also generates names in English, Spanish, German, French, and Italian.In fact, you can set a pattern for your search criteria and list all blog names – taken and available. The following is a partial list of blog names generated with high quality, 15 letters, and ‘null’ pattern for the keyword “fitness”:-
- Fitness
- Fitnessages
- Fitnessence
Similarly, for the keyword “food” generated the following results:-
- Fooding
- Woodside
- Foodstons
The only problem with this blog name generator tool is that your input is restricted to at most ten characters (including spaces).
Stop Bothering Too Much & Just Name it!
Today, many weird blog names have become a global brand and in their own right, even though they didn’t follow any of the rules we discussed in this article – except for being simple to pronounce.
For example, Look at a global tech giant like Google, the copier company Xerox, the international home decor major Ikea, and the web hosting company GoDaddy.
None of these blog names had any meaning associated with them. But the value added by these companies – to the millions of lives with their products and services made them household names. Also as their market dominance grew to a level that their names became synonyms for their flagship products.
Similarly, in blogging, blogs like ShoutMeLoud.com the blog name in itself doesn’t click anything but it has built a pretty impressive viewership because of the quality content.
So, even if you have a weird blog name idea, and if it passes the ‘phone test’. Then I would suggest that you go ahead and register a blog name. Because in the end, your content and promotion matter the most and your efforts on such will only make you realize whether blogging is worth it (or) not. Not the back and forth between a unique and simple blog name.
3 Tips To Follow Before Finalizing Your Blog Name Ideas
I cannot reiterate the importance of keeping the blog name simple and pronounceable. This can be achieved by following these principles (or) tips:-
- KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid):- Make sure that the blog name you finalize should sound simple for most native as well as non-native speakers of the language. If it is not easy to pronounce, then you readers can find it hard to remember your blog name. Also I will recommend you avoid hard-to-pronounce synonyms of any simple terms (or) using heavy-industry-specific jargon in your blog name.
- Must avoid characters:- To name your blog in the right way, you must never use digits (or) numbers (or) special characters (like @, $, #, 8, ~, etc.) within your blog name. Because digits can make your blog name sound weird, but however occasionally they can be used to spice things up.
For example, blog names like ThePathway2Success and Way2GoDigital are such few exceptional names.
But with using special characters, all your blog name ideas would not only become weirder they will also lose much of their recall value.
- Domain Safe:- Before finalizing a blog name from a bunch of your own blog name ideas and before buying that particular domain name, check for any mishaps when the blog name is written as a domain. You must always test how your blog name looks (in the address bar), within the URL (www.XYZ.com)
Wrap Up
In the end, I would like to emphasize that your content, its quality, and the frequency of publishing will bring in more readers to your blog rather than having a bunch of blog name ideas. Hence spending too much time on a unique name for your blog, will only take you far from success (or) at least make you lose time.
Remember that this whole exercise can come to a nought if you are unable to produce quality content frequently and promote your blog name in the right way.