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When it comes to starting an eCommerce business, there are plenty of options available. But however, one name which is loved and used by people all across the globe is Etsy.

Etsy is not a new name in the eCommerce world. The platform has been in existence for quite a long time. It is considered one of the strongest platforms that bring together sellers and buyers from all across the globe. The platform was earlier used to sell vintage items on etsy, but now you can find anything on it.

And when it comes to easy Etsy shop ideas, you will come across plenty of guides explaining what or what not to sell on Etsy, which makes the whole process of starting your own Etsy shop quite overwhelming. If that’s the reason for your worry or tired of searching for Etsy business ideas, you have landed yourself in the right place.

 Here in this blog, we will talk about top-notch Etsy ideas to sell. So without wasting any more time, let’s get started.


10 Digital Etsy Shop Ideas

One of the biggest misconceptions among individuals is that Etsy is the place for only DIY goods. That’s not true, the place has a lot more to offer, but if you are planning to sell digital products in a shop, it can become your money-making machine. You might be wondering how? Let’s clear that doubt.

In comparison with physical goods, digital goods don’t require much effort. These products can be videos, ebooks, images, etc., that one can sell online. But the best part about it is that makers don’t have to create products again and again. Digital products are only created once and can be sold over and over. After making a purchase, buyers can download the digital goods in pdf, videos, illustrations, etc.

This is why digital goods are ruling in the online market space, as it is known to be one of the best sources of passive income. Here in this section, we will list the best digital items on Etsy.


1) Digital Planners


In this hectic lifestyle, everyone prefers planners. They are called planners because they declutter our lives and provide us space and time that we can use wisely.

Earlier, people used to keep physical planners with them, but in today’s world, where most of us spend half of our time on phones and laptops, it becomes important to have a digital planner that helps us organize our day wisely.

This is where the need for a digital planner comes into the picture. Using digital planners, one can plan their month, week, and days on their phone and tablet. Goodnotes and Notability are quite popular digital planners for users.


2) Printable Cards


Another important category gaining a lot of attention on Etsy is printable cards. Nowadays, people are more crafty, and instead of going with everyday things, they need stuff that can make them stand out from the crowd. And the printable cards category is the queen of craftiness.

Almost every person hosts a dinner, birthday, anniversary party, etc. For the same, they need cards to send to their guests. But to allure guests, people love to explore Etsy as it is a hub of artists, and the probability of getting the desired card is much higher than on any other platform.


3) Digital Business Cards


The third category quite popular on Etsy is digital business cards. These cards are replacing traditional and physical cards because of the new work from home or remote working culture.

This is why business owners take a sufficient amount of time when it comes to choosing business cards. Instead of going with any random one, they love to explore Etsy as it is swamped with choices.


4) Logos

Logos are the things that customers notice about the business. It has a huge contribution to building the brand’s reputation. We might forget about Mcdonald’s, but the giant M is rooted in our skull.

That’s why businesses don’t rush on this part. They prefer to hire someone crafty enough to deliver a logo that can do justice to their business. Etsy is a well-known platform for this; so many logo designers are available on the platform.


5) Ebooks

“Don’t limit yourself when the whole world can be your oyster” with the same thought in mind, most people prefer to sell guides and ebooks on the platform.

Ebooks and guides are other categories that are widely popular on the platform. People look for various guides, and they don’t think twice before investing. So if you think you have something worth selling for, try selling out ebooks or guides.


6) Invoice Templates

Invoice templates are another category that is quite popular on the platform.

Although there are many creative platforms like Canva available out there for businesses who are looking for invoice templates. But not everybody is creative. That’s why business owners prefer to explore Etsy for the same.


7) Social Media Templates

Social media is a powerful platform for both individuals and businesses. Everyone invests their time and money on these platforms as it is not only a medium to connect with people all across the globe but brands use it for improving brand reputation.

That’s why it is important that the templates one uses on this platform should look professional. There are many creators available on Etsy that help individuals with this.


8) Learning Materials

The worldwide lockdown has increased the demand for learning materials. Parents who are homeschooling their kids or aspirants who are preparing for exams are looking for learning materials.

Though there are plenty of education sites available, somehow Etsy has been the popular choice for seeking learning material.


9) Website Templates

Unless you live under a rock, you might think starting your online business is tough. Now it has become a walk in the park. However, most people still find website development a tough task.

But for the buyers who don’t want to spend much time on website development. Etsy is a popular platform for getting the website templates of your choice.


10) Resume Templates

The last thing on our list is resume templates that draw individuals’ attention. The job market is tough, and to stand out, people love to invest in services that can help them land their dream job, and one such thing is a resume template.

This is another reason people dig deep into the Etsy platform to get a resume template that can be compatible with both Microsoft and Google Docs.


10 DIY Etsy Business Ideas

Etsy can be the best place for crafty individuals who want to earn from their skills. There are many DIY Etsy business ideas that one can start right away without much effort. Here we will list some of the popular DIY categories on the platform.


1) Handmade Baby Apparels

The one thing where there is no bargaining is baby products. Whether you are new to parenting or have experience, when it comes to baby apparel, you prefer products that don’t harm your kid’s skin.

This is why handmade baby apparels are quite popular on the Etsy platform.


2) Candles

Candles are among the many things that can take a home setting from zero to another level. With worldwide lockdown, this category has become one of the best-earning categories for merchants.

With lots of time on their hands, people start making candles at home, and the buyers now have plenty of options for purchasing candles. Etsy can be a great marketplace for merchants who love making candles.


3) Jewellery

Jewelry is one of the trendiest and hot categories among women, but it is also widely popular on Etsy. The category has around 19000 monthly average searches.

Many sellers are selling customized jewelry to buyers from all across the world.


4) Clay Goods

There is this doubt that handmade clay goods don’t catch the buyer’s attention. Handmade items have a special touch, and in this hectic life, it has become hard for buyers to get the perfect handmade clay goods.

If that’s what you do for a living, then Etsy can be your platform to display your craft to the world.


5) Stickers

This might seem like a joke to you, but it has been claimed that the term stickers has 4000 average monthly searches on the platform.

Seeing the number, you can imagine the popularity of this category. Not just this category is popular but also competitive as makers are selling top-quality stickers to their customers.


6) Crafts Supplies and Kits

The platform is a one-stop destination for all art and craft supplies.

The target user base for this is unbeatable. As we mentioned, it is the platform for artists. This category is popular among buyers and sellers as they need supplies for their products.


7) Customised Goods

No feeling in the world can match the feeling of getting personalized goods. These goods hold a special place in the heart.

And that’s the reason why shoppers spend time scrolling on Etsy so that they can buy personalized or customized goods for their loved ones. It is one of the trending categories as buyers know the platform won’t disappoint them when picking the best-customized items.


8) Pet Accessories

Almost every second family owns a pet, and buying pet items can become extremely painful if you are new. You are unaware of the items you need, plus what’s going to work with your pet.

This is where Etsy becomes the easier ground for the confused buyer. The buyer comes here hoping that he will land the best product for their pet without much effort. That’s why this is one of the competitive categories on the platform.


9) Skincare Products

There is no denying that customers don’t love to gamble when it comes to skincare products. No matter how expensive the product is, they will go with the one that delivers quality results. It is one of the top-selling categories on Etsy.

Merchants providing handmade skin products with zero or no artificial products are another reason for its popularity.


10) Print on Demand

The last thing on our list is print on demand which is the category that has been drawing the attention of users for quite a long time. In this category, buyers look for printed mugs, t-shirts, books, stickers, etc.

This category is popular as this doesn’t require any upfront investment. Here the merchants work with an outsource printing company for the product. But the craze for customized printed goods is unmatchable, and that’s why this is among the hot categories on Etsy.

Here we have listed down the wide variety of items that you can sell on Etsy, but before jumping into the selling part, it is always suitable to do your research. Irrespective of your skill, it is best to do market research on items.



There you have it! Now you know all about the Etsy shop ideas. No matter how great you are, unless you are doing something about it, you will be considered a failure. So why waste your skills when you can earn dollars from it.

Start your Etsy shop now and take your business to new levels. No doubt that the first few months will be hard for you; with little dedication and hard work, you will be able to attract customers from all across the globe.

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