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There has been a lot of debate recently around whether is blogging still relevant? Is blogging worth it in the era of social media?

Today writing blog posts are looked at as fine art that is aimed at either promoting business products/services or monetizing one’s knowledge and writing skills.

In this article, we will be discussing the various aspects associated with blogging, such as why people still love it? How has blogging evolved over the years? Pros of blogging and other frequently asked questions.

So, read on and learn more about to know ‘Is blogging worth it?’ in detail. 

Why Do People Start a Blog?

Blogging is the heart and soul of content marketing in 2022, and it is worth all the time and effort. But, today, I wanna talk about what encourages people to start a blog in the first place.

There could be any reason to start a blog but according to my knowledge I think most of blogs fall under these three compelling reasons:-

1) To share passion and knowledge

If you have expertise in any vertical, for instance, Internet marketing, you can share your knowledge with aspiring marketers & businesses looking to implement a well-defined marketing strategy to have an edge over their market rivals. However, your passion can be different and the knowledge that you possess on one topic will be different.

Starting a blog presents industry experts with a chance to share extensive knowledge online. Through blogs they can establish their fanbase, moreover, this presents confidence and satisfaction to some bloggers. An individual with experience in their passion surely knows how to communicate with their target audience through highly relevant and well-researched content. 

Do you know that you can blog anonymously and make money!

2) To make money by writing blogs

It is arguably the biggest reason why there are still so many bloggers out there. There is no denying that anyone can make money with their industry knowledge and passion for writing. In fact, starting a blog has become a full-time career option for many and I won’t surprised if the emergence of full-time bloggers keeps increasing year on year.

However, there is no one way to make money by writing blogs. In fact, tons of different ways to monetize your blog and some of them are:- 

3) To run a business (or) a brand

If you want to promote your brand or business, then blogging could be worth it. Especially by publishing quality blog posts meant for your target audience can drive traffic to your business site. Therefore more the traffic, the higher the number of leads for both B2B & B2C businesses.

Whether you are marketing your web development services, promoting your news-driven website, or having an eCommerce business, blogging is worth investing and it would help in every case and scenario. Whether someone is searching for a motorcycle part or shopping for a bra online, blogging attracts more attention.

The more attraction would mean, the more relevant the number of leads. Also educational/informational content often feeds the need of a searcher, and they may end up buying your products or services.

For example, a pest control company can provide information with regards to DIY solutions to deal with pests. Whereas an apparel company can share the latest trends and outfit tips to land readers on their site.

Blogging also serves as a powerful way to show what your business is, and what it does. With a bunch of optimized blog posts, you can share attractive photos of your workplace, and portfolio, and share your business journey. And, eventually, starting a blog for your business aids in building a network within your niche, which helps in building a flow of trust.

Is Blogging Dead in 2022?

No, without a dilemma, I can say that blogging is not dead, it is here to stay for decades. Blogging is alive in 2022 and still helping businesses survive & thrive during these challenging times. But, the results from blogging majorly depend upon the hard work you are ready to put in to accomplish your desired results.

And mostly this is where our concern arrives ‘Is Blogging Worth It in 2022?’

If you still have doubts, then please go through the following statistics:-

The blogging market is still booming in all diverse niches, and there are still plenty of industries that haven’t leveraged blogging much in the last decade. Thus if you start a blog it can be a wise decision and also will be a fruitful journey too, if your blog posts are delivering value. To do that you have to implement a dedicated blogging strategy that is focused on the competition and target audience.

How Blogging Has Changed Over the Years?

Blogging has evolved over the ages, in fact becoming tougher than ever. During the earlier days,  if you wrote a content piece and stuff it with the keywords that you want to rank, your blog posts may have ranked in the SERP results.

But now, things have changed as algorithms of search engines such as Google are becoming smarter and smarter day by day and also as they analyze each content like a human. Right now, you can not just set up your blog in a jiffy and fool the search engine with all the petty keyword tricks.

Also today, the need to write an SEO-optimized blog post which offers relevant value to your target audience to rank higher is magnitudinal. However, some tips for optimizing blog posts include selecting a unique title with not more than 60 characters, planning your content based on keyword research, effectively interlinking, making your blog post easy to read, and finally gaining insights into content results.

In recent years, blogging has further evolved with the introduction of microblogging platforms like Twitter, Tumblr, etc. though the functioning of these microblogging platforms is to serve as a new means to share content without the need to maintain a website. Therefore the focus from writing a long blog post has shifted to sending tweets, curating feeds, and online videos.

Even though people are on social media all day long, there are still hundreds of blogs that have been able to generate millions of traffic each month just by writing long-form content and I think the fact that people still like reading blogs is undeniable. 

What Are the Benefits of Blogging?

The reason why the internet is filled with blogs is due to the flexible benefits to start a blog. If I would start talking about each benefit blogging offers, then this post wouldn’t be enough. Hence to save you time I have gathered the most prevalent perks of blogging.

Let’s read about them:-

1) To build an authority

For those who love to speak and share their views/knowledge on something, blogging is worth for them because it plays a crucial role in building authority. Because as you publish more and more technical (or) niche-relevant content related to a specific domain, people will recognize you and your business as an authority in that particular niche. This recognition could further lead to more podcasts, interviews, and invitations to speak at big events.

2) To rank on search engines

By publishing blog posts regularly, you are giving Google new content to index. You can structure each blog post to rank for a specific set of keywords and attract an audience to your site. Since people on search engines are there to learn and educate, they are more likely to be engaged in your blog content.

Any business (or) a brand can start a blog by just adding a blog section within their existing site and it is the best strategy to rank in SERP results on traffic-generating keywords. 

3) To improve your writing skills

If you are an aspiring writer, blogging can help you with enhancing your writing skills. Obviously the more you write, the better you will get. With each piece, you will witness a significant improvement in your writing in terms of sentence structure, the style you write, writing fundamentals, spelling, and punctuation. So, besides building authority, you have so much to learn once you set up your blog and start blogging.

4) Ideal way to make money

Almost all bloggers love to make money. While you can’t expect big money coming your way right from the very first blog post. It takes time (or) should I say it will take months to monetize your blog and make a living with blogging.

Although with consistent effort and time, a blog can make a good amount of money to pay your bills and live a decent lifestyle without having a day job. But, what’s important here is to have that patience, which is the key to a successful blog.

However despite saying that I would again like to list some of the ideals ways to monetize your blog once you start a blog:-

  • Joining ad Networks
  • Running direct advertisements
  • Leveraging affiliate marketing
  • Writing paid reviews
  • Joining blogger networks
  • Using native advertising
  • Selling digital products & online courses
  • Selling physical products
  • Land freelancing contracts

5) Building your professional network

Blogging facilities in establishing a network where individuals of the same domain interact. Whether you are a poet or a glass artist, a blog network will aid your overall growth. Once you start writing about your niche, you will be amazed to see how many bloggers exist with the same interests as you.

You can eventually connect with such bloggers and build your own professional network which can help you in promoting your brand in a positive conversation and maybe generate online revenue in the long run.

6) Building a portfolio

Whether you are an aspiring writer, developer, musician, designer, (or) anything else. Having a blog lets you build a portfolio of yours that you could eventually showcase to the internet.

If you’re an individual blogger and wanna hire clients online. Then your blog itself is a great source to attract clients as your readers, share your portfolio with them, and land some freelancing deals.

7) Market your business

Be it a startup, SME, or a big enterprise, online visibility is indispensable to attract quality traffic, get leads, and eventually revenue. All this can be achieved with a static website but you would need to build traffic through paid ads and it cost you good. Or else you can start a blog on your own business site and build its authority and publish content to rank on Google.

Hence in the long-term cause of a business, ranking on keywords is gonna be cost-effective but being said that the competition will be as tougher as gets. So marketing your business will need a strategic, practical, and analytical approach.

Faqs About Are Blogs Still?

Yes, blogging is still relevant even in 2022. For both personal & business purposes, blogging helps in establishing a stronger connection. Most target audiences prefer to interact & engage with those who are ready to share knowledge. Hence, blogging is still essential.

In the United States of America, people read blogs three times more than emails. Blogs today are the 5th most reliable information source.

A few years back, blogging was nothing more than a hobby, but now things have changed, people are giving up their full-time job to pursue blogging. Blogging can pay off your bills, and help you maintain a proper standard of living. Blogging has the potential to earn you anywhere between  $10000 – $2 million a year.

How much you will earn, mainly depends upon stuff like your niche, how much time you are devoting to create the content, how much traffic you are driving to your blog, and finally, what digital marketing strategies you are implementing.

Yes, we all love to read blogs and continue to trust blogs for relevant information. Actually, 77% of Internet users read blog posts. This means if you are ready to provide relevant information, you will be able to build a vast customer base.

Yes, blogging is a good way to make money, but initially, you must not think too much about the earnings instead focus more on driving high-quality web traffic. To do that all you need is to create quality content that connects with your prospective audience. Once you have high daily traffic, then you have to worry about anything, as you will make a decent earning.

You can approximately make $500-$1000 in the first year itself by blogging. After 3+ years, according to the website traffic and the number of subscribers soars, you can make $100,000+ annually.  (This is again my knowledge of what I see on the internet)

Final Thoughts

So, from the above, I guess you’ve found your answer for ‘is blogging worth it?’. whether you want to promote your brand or personal identity. Blogging is gonna help you in multiple ways and it is only up to you to generate results.

Finally, I wanna mention that blogging is not an overnight venture, it takes time & effort to drive measurable results which could be bringing organic traffic to your website.

Thus, stay patient and put all your focus on providing relevant, engaging, and thought-provoking content to your target audience.